Smart Home Buyer Workshop Webinar

Seize the opportunity to secure financial stability - taking your first steps toward owning a home will provide lasting value to you and those close to you.

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Carl Spiteri and his team developed this home buyer workshop course with the first time home buyer in mind.

The home buying process is a very dynamic transaction with many moving parts. It’s important for the home buyer to understand what goes into their offer moving forward to land their dream home or investment property.

In this webinar you will;
  • Feel reassured that it’s still possible to buy or sell a home.
  • Know that you’re making a smart decision, no matter what the headlines say.
  • Equip yourself with the right knowledge to make sound decisions.
    Feel confident in your investment choices.
  • You will be able to rest easy knowing that your home is a good investment.

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Carl Spiteri

I love to help people buy, refinance or get an equity line. As a mortgage planner and branch manager at Benchmark in San Diego, I bring more than 20 years of experience to my role as an adviser who identifies smart mortgage solutions customized for a person or couple’s financial situation. Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of people meet their overall financial objectives. I co-authored the book “Borrow Smart, Retire Rich.” 

What sets me apart from other mortgage bankers?
> Going the extra mile is a given.
> I use a tried and proven discovery process to learn about one’s financial circumstances, past, present and future. It helps me guide you into the best fit lending product i.e. buying a second home, what are your financial plans for it — investment or retirement? 
> My client-centric focus is the reason 90% of our business is repeat or referrals.
> Access to quality financing — whether a purchase loan, a refinance for lower rate, debt consolidation or cash-out for college or investment purposes.

To summarize, I strongly believe that financial literacy paves the way to financial success. I show people all of the financial options available — from the garden variety to unique out-of-the box choices. I figure out what makes dollars and sense and strive to explain it to them in the simplest and clearest terms.

Read some articles Carl has written.

Riding the wave

Riding the Inflation Wave: Why Buying a Home Now Might Still Be a Wise Choice

In today’s economic climate, the word ‘inflation’ stirs a mix of concern and confusion among consumers and investors alike. As prices climb for everyday goods, from groceries to gas, the ripple effects touch all corners of the economy, including the housing market. With soaring interest rates and high home prices, the prospect of buying a house can seem daunting. However, despite these challenges, purchasing a home today could still be a wise decision for several reasons. Inflation refers to the general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. It’s a phenomenon that affects everything, including the

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navigation social secuity

Navigating the Future of Social Security

The Social Security trustees’ report released this week brings troubling news for future retirees: the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) trust fund is projected to become insolvent by 2033. If Congress does not act, this could lead to a sharp 21% cut in benefits. Given these circumstances, it is crucial for Baby Boomers and other beneficiaries to consider alternative financial strategies, such as reverse mortgages, to secure their financial future. The annual Social Security trustees’ report has sounded an alarm that is impossible to ignore. Without legislative intervention, the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) trust fund will only be able

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Why Millennials Should Consider Buying a Home Despite Higher Costs

What’s the National Debt Anyway and why should we care? In recent years, real estate has seen a significant increase in both interest rates and purchase prices. This has left many first-time homebuyers wondering if it’s still a wise decision to invest in a home when renting appears to be the more affordable option. There are compelling reasons why first-time homebuyers should consider purchasing a home, even when it comes with higher Payments, interest rates and purchase prices. One of the most significant advantages of buying a home is the opportunity to build equity over time. When you rent, you’re

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The $34 Trillion Elephant in the Room: Understanding the Negative Effects of the U.S. National Debt and the bright side of the that debt.

What’s the National Debt Anyway and why should we care? Before we jump into the negative effects, let’s quickly understand what the national debt is. Simply put, it’s the total amount of money the U.S. government owes to its creditors. Think of it as Uncle Sam’s credit card bill. Over the years, this bill has grown into a monstrous number, and it’s essential to explore why it’s a matter of concern. Imagine having a credit card with an astronomical balance. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?  The interest, right? Well, it’s the same for our national debt, but on

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AGING IN PLACE – Stay Home its better for your health

As we journey through the various stages of life, one inevitable aspect that unites us all is the process of aging. While the golden years bring wisdom and a lifetime of experiences, they may also usher in unique challenges, especially for seniors. One growing trend that addresses these challenges is “aging in place,” a concept that advocates for seniors to remain in their own homes as they age. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of aging in place and how it contributes to the overall well-being of our cherished seniors. There’s no place like home, and this

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